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Increase PPS [/] - UDP mode: Decrease PPS Space - UDP mode: synch sliding averages with current totals /?-?/h-h--h[%i;1H%.10s%%.%is%%s[%i;1H%s%s  Socket error EWOULDBLOCK: Operation would blockSocket error EINPROGRESS: A blocking call is in progressSocket error EALREADY: The requested operation was already completedSocket error ENOTSOCK: The descriptor is not a socketSocket error EDESTADDRREQ: A destination address is required in the function callSocket error EMSGSIZE: The datagram was too large to fit in a single buffer and was truncatedSocket error EPROTOTYPE: The specified port is the wrong type for this socketSocket error ENOPROTOOPT: The protocol option is unknown or unsupportedSocket error EPROTONOSUPPORT: The requested protocol is not supportedSocket error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: The specified socket type is not supported in this address familySocket error EOPNOTSUPP: The socket option is not supported on this socketSocket error EPFNOSUPPORT: The requested Protocol Family is not supported for this socketSocket error EAFNOSUPPORT: The requested Address Family is not supported for this socketSocket error EADDRINUSE: The requested port/address is already in useSocket error EADDRNOTAVAIL: The requested address is not availableSocket error ENETDOWN: Network subsystem is downSocket error ENETUNREACH: The remote network is unreachableSocket error ENETRESET: WinSock has dropped the connectionSocket error ECONNABORTED: The connection was dropped due to timeout or other failureSocket error ECONNRESET: The connection has been reset by the remote peerSocket error ENOBUFS: No buffer space is availableSocket error EISCONN: The specified socket is already connectedSocket error ENOTCONN: The specified socket is not connectedSocket error ESHUTDOWN: The specified socket has already been shut downSocket error ETIMEDOUT: The connection attempt has timed outSocket error ECONNREFUSED: The connection attempt was forcefully refusedSocket error ENAMETOOLONG: The specified name was too longSocket error EHOSTDOWN: The remote host has gone downSocket error EHOSTUNREACH: The remote host is unreachableSocket error: An unknown socket error has occured@pР 07@GPW`gpw`P%u.%u.%u.%u%n%u%ntcp-pMissing port number Bad port number -n-nfMissing initial stream amount Bad initial stream amount -iMissing screen update interval Bad screen update interval. Expected seconds between 1 and 600. -dMissing data stream length Bad data stream length. Expected kilobyte amount over 0. -rMissing reconnect count -mMissing receive buffer size multiplier Bad receive buffer size multiplier. Expected number between 1 and 32. -uMissing UDP datagram size Bad UDP datagram size. Expected bytes between %i and 1500 Missing UDP packets per second Bad UDP packets per second. Expected count between 1 and 10000. -lMissing local IP address Failed to resolve "%s"... -tMissing value for -t -rrd-ls-ltMissing max delay in milliseconds Bad max delay. Expected milliseconds between 2 and 60000. -aMissing sliding average divisor Bad sliding average divisor. Expected number between 2 and 200. Unknown option "%s" Too many hosts specified. Max is %i Resolving "%s"... No target hosts specifiedConnecting stream %i...Closing stream %i...BWT1Closing %i... Transfered %u kbytes Reconnecting %i... BWTest - %5uk total - %5uk peak - %u streams - %u seconds %s %sRTT Avg:%2.02f Min:%2.02f Max:%2.02f PL:%2.1f%% OO:%u%5uk %-10.10s %sY@ Totals: RTTAvg:%2.02fms PL:%2.02f%% Slide: RTTAvg:%2.02fms PL:%2.03f%%%d:%2.06f:%2.06f:%2.06f:%2.06f Y@%5uk Sent: %u pps @ %u bytesIncreasing UDP PPS to %i...Decreasing UDP PPS to %i...Setting sliding averages to current totals...@8|8Tp`X|`P14CSockException11CWorkThread14CSockException13bad_exception9exceptionehbad_allocbad_allocbad_alloc17__class_type_info14__si_type_info16__user_type_info10bad_typeid8bad_cast9type_infobad_allocvxlisbcwrdfUiUlUxUsUcSc17__array_type_info16__ptmd_type_info16__ptmf_type_info16__func_type_info19__builtin_type_info16__attr_type_info19__pointer_type_infobad_alloc9bad_alloch@<PXD\\0 0!!  `!!!"("l""""4#T####eh|g| "AB K.88AB G Z. .W.W. h.g.}.N.W.W.| МAB E.4 AB $LAB G#A$t.l.Y. tНdAB K. H.4.AB I.N.dAB E.| AB G(.$8LqAB DAS.l. W.`2AB R. |$AB K. ehg|  AB 44AB DAAP.Q.R.V. H.H.L.4l<&AB N. v.!. a.`. }.U.c._.d#AB AN.-AB AX.]AB AK.  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